Family and Community Support Services

Donalda Food Bank

Each household can receive one hamper per month and are required to fill out an application every time a hamper is received.

Location: 5001 Main St Donalda AB

Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 9am – 4pm

Contact: 403-883-2345

For inquires after hours please call Bashaw & Area Community Recourse Centre @ 780-372-4074

Donalda Wellness Navigator

The Navigation program provides support to individuals and families that is kind, empathetic, consistent and is a revolving door for anyone who accesses the services.

A Navigator’s role is to bridge gaps, not duplicate services. As such, a navigator assists clients in mapping their way through Mental Health, Addictions, Family Resources Center, Health Families, and counselling services. These services can look like, but are not limited to, form support advise, help navigating online services, ALSH, PDD, or any government forms, and of course utilizing our internal referrals.

If you could benefit from this resource email or call 780-372-4074 to schedule an appointment.

Bashaw & District Support Services

Santa’s Anonymous:

To Apply for this program visit the Village Complex or stop in at the BDSS office to fill out an application for the Angel Tree and a Christmas Meal Food Hamper. There is no cost to participate.


4909 50th Street, Bashaw AB

Deadline for Applications is December 6th, 2024 . 

You can return it by mail to:
PO Box 160
Donalda, AB  T0B 0H0

or by email to: