Planning and Development

Land Use Bylaw

625 – Land Use Bylaw


Bylaw #651 – Low Density Residential Land Use District Bylaw

Bylaw #651 – Appendix A

Bylaw #656.01 – Parks and Recreation Land Use District Bylaw

Bylaw #658 – Public Use Land Use District Bylaw

Bylaw #659 – Public Use Rezoning Bylaw

Bylaw #678 – Commercial Retail (CR) Land Use District Bylaw

Bylaw #692 – Amendment to Land Use Bylaw #625 – Mobile Home Age

Bylaw #708 – Amendment to Land Use Bylaw #625 for Cannabis Legislation

Bylaw #714 – Direct Control (DC) Land Use District Bylaw


Donalda Land Use District Zoning Map

Development Bylaws and Policies

Bylaw #711 – Village of Donalda Municipal Development Plan

Bylaw #715 – Village of Donalda and County of Stettler No. 6 Intermunicipal Development Plan (Read more on Intermunicipal Development Plans here – scroll to page 28.)

Policy #1 – Land Sale Policy for Residential Lots

Policy #10 – Tax Concession Policy

Approved Village of Donalda – County of Stettler Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (April 2020)


Application For Development Permit – Village of Donalda

(Please use same form for application of demolitions.)

Payment can be made in person at the Village Office on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays 9 am – 4 pm, by mailed cheque, or through Interac E-tranfer to the email: If you are sending an E-transfer, please include your name and the type of application in the message.

Development permits are required pursuant to the Village of Donalda’s Bylaw #625 – Land Use Bylaw. The development permit ensures that the land owner’s proposed use of the land does not conflict with surrounding uses, complies with the Land Use District, and meets the appropriate set-back distances from the property lines, utilities, buildings, roadways and any other structures deemed relevant by the Development Officer and/or the Municipal Planning Commission.

A development permit is required to construct a new building, alter an existing building, construct an accessory building, demolish an existing building, or change the use of a building or portion of a building within the Village of Donalda. A development permit is also required for signs and fences.

Supporting plans and documentation must accompany a development permit application.

Anyone can make an application, whether or not they own the property concerned, provided they have a letter of authorization from the current property owner.

Additional permits for building, electrical, plumbing, gas, and heating may also be required for most home renovations and constructions. It is always best to contact the Village of Donalda Development Officer prior to commencing work to make sure that you have your permits in order, or in fact do not need a permit. Should work be done that requires but does not have a valid Building Permit, the Village will place a Stop Work Order on the premises and may levy fines or cause the work to be dismantled at the owner’s expense.

Once approval has been given for your development permit, buildings permits are available through the following agencies or utilizing the online tool by clicking HERE:

Risks of Working Without a Permit

There are numerous laws and regulations that relate to construction and renovation work (the building bylaw, zoning regulations, codes for plumbing and electrical systems, and so on). Permits will only be issued for work that is allowed under these regulations. Permits work in conjunction with inspections, which ensure the planned work was completed correctly and safely.

For information specific to the proposed project on your property, call the Development Officer at 403-883-2345. Our staff will help you determine which permits you need and help you navigate through the process so you can speak to your contractor with confidence.

If you find out you need a permit after the work has started…

The Village understands that homeowners and contractors – in their enthusiasm to get started – sometimes forget to obtain permits or do not realize that permits are required.

If you do not have a required permit for work that has already started, you could face serious and potentially costly consequences, including:

  • A “Letter of Compliance” fee. This is typically double the original permit fee.
  • A delay while your permit application is processed.  All work must stop during this time.  The original timeline and fees to process an application still apply.
  • Possibly having to undo the work that was done.
  • Possibly having to do more work than you had originally planned and budgeted for, such as adding fire sprinklers or making seismic upgrades.
  • Possible legal and/or financial issues down the road, such as impacts on selling your property or making an insurance claim.

NOTE: As the homeowner, you are responsible for paying these fees or penalties yourself, even if you have hired a contractor who assured you that permits were not required.

There is extensive information on the internet to help you better understand Planning and Development regulations. If you are interested in learning more, we recommend you start here.

Planning & Development in Donalda

Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP)

An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a statutory planning document which is prepared by neighbouring municipalities to ensure that development within two or more municipalities reflects the common interests of all municipalities involved, and sets out a joint vision for future development and land use issues.

Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF)

Municipalities that share a common boundary must create an Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) with one another. This framework provides for integrated and strategic planning, delivery, and funding of intermunicipal services. It lists services currently provided by neighboring municipalities and identifies how, if at all, intermunicipal services will be delivered and funded.

Municipal Development Plan (MDP)

Our Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a high-level blueprint showing how the Village of Donalda expects to change over time and the shape it will take in the future. The MDP outlines our long-term land use policies, the manner and proposals for future development, and the municipal services and facilities in the entire municipality.

Land Use Bylaw (LUB)

The Land Use Bylaw (LUB) implements the policies of the IDP and MDP by regulating and controlling the use and development of land and buildings within the Village of Donalda. It outlines how plans must be prepared and adopted to achieve orderly, economical, and beneficial development. The LUB is intended to maintain and enhance the natural resources provided through the Canadian Badlands by minimizing possible negative impacts of development while at the same time facilitating public use and enjoyment.